Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to screw up your training.

Editors Note: My new site is now at www.just-fly-sports.com Check it out for a wealth of information on jumping higher and running faster, all backed by research and practical experience!

Over the years I have noticed some good ways to screw up your training. Here they are in no particular order.

1. Lift too heavy too often, or increase amount of weight lifted in a sharp manner (over 10% per week)
2. Do a hard jumping workout or plyos when you are really sore.
3. Don't give yourself a break from either weights or plyos every 2-3 weeks.
4. Neglect elastic work from your program, or basic jumping exercises
5. Jump too many times in a single session in hopes of a PR (example, doing 10 sets of hurdle hops instead of 4 when going for a PR, when you only did 4 sets the week before)
6. Do some sort of CNS intensive training the whole year without a break.
7. Don't enjoy a good social life outside of training.
8. Follow someone elses training program without thinking about the context.
9. Dont train in a progressive manner throughout the year, gradually increasing volume by no more than 5% a week.
10. Don't spend time doing lifting sessions devoted to speed, i.e. squats and olympic lifts in the 50-80% range


Raptor said...

Do you find anything bad in doing bounding and reactive strength drills Tuesday if Monday I do strength training with 3 reps and singles with a weight I can manage to do 5 (for the 3 rep sets) and 3 reps (for the 1 rep sets) with?

I'm doing full squats on Monday like this (numbers are in kg):

3x100 (I can do 8 reps with 100)
1x110 (I should be able to go for 5 reps with 110, not sure though, 3 for sure)

I also do barbell one-leg deadlifts.

Anyway, if I do this on Monday - is detrimental if I go with reactive strength exercises on Tuesday? (I want to train 4 days per week)

Tuesday looks like this:

Altitude drops: 4x3
3 steps+jump over hurdle off two legs/one leg (ME JUMPS): 2x5
LRLRLR bounds: 4x30 meters;
Full speed sprints: 4x30 meters;

Joel said...


your setup isn't bad but you might want to do some other sort of squat besides full squat on monday. i would do box squat or 1/2 squat instead. 1 leg deadlifts are probably fine. the reactive day looks good, but i would do the sprints prior to the reactive work, mostly for injury prevention reasons. i have found concentrating on speed weights on monday is really the way to go.


Raptor said...

Actually, I have decided to go with your program (with this one http://jumpcoach.blogspot.com/2008/12/merry-christmas.html )

I'm just going to add some full squats on the strength days and some maximal jumps before the bounds on the plyo days.

Unknown said...

Nice post as always Joel. It has been too long between drinks. I hope your training going well.

