Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Editors Note: My new site is now at Check it out for a wealth of information on jumping higher and running faster, all backed by research and practical experience!

Merry Christmas!

I am currently relaxing at my parents home in Milwaukee, and everything has died down quite a bit around here lately, so I have decided to write down a program template that I have found incredibly effective.

This program is designed pretty strictly for improving single leg jumping ability, although two leg jumping ability could also be improved a lot as well, it would just depend on what exercises you wanted to plug in, and what your needs are as an athlete.

So here it is. The KEY here is partly the cycle format. It is 2 weeks on and 1 week very easy, and this cycle continues until training effects (improvement are no longer noted). After this, it may be wise to move to a fatigue based cycle incorporating fewer workouts in a longer period of time. This program is a frequency based program, and has the potential to increase your single leg jump several inches in a 3-6 week time period, even if you have been training for a long time.

ON Week 1:

Monday: Weights,

Dynamic Warmup
Clean 5,4,3,3 moderate weight
10-12" Barbell Box Step-Up, 3x6, moderate weight
Barbell Calf Raise, 3x10, moderate weight
Jump Squats with minimal knee bend and ground time , 2x15, 45lb
Recovery Methods

Tuesday: Plyometrics

Dynamic Warmup
Bounding: Full Recovery Between Sets
LRLRLR x 30m
LLRR x 30m
LLLRRR x 30m
LLLL x 30m
RRRR x 30m
LRLRLR x 50m x 2

Hurdle Hops: 6x4 over higher hurdles

3x50 Jumproping

Wednesday: slow jog/stretch/recover

Thursday: Weights

Dynamic Warmup
Snatch or Jerk/Push Press. 5,4,3,3 moderate weight (75-80% 1RM)
1/2 Squat. 3x6 moderate weight
Single Leg Calf Raise. 2x10 with weight
Jump Squats like Monday. 2x15, 45lb

Friday: Plyometrics

Bounding with 8-16lb weight vest
LRLRLR x 25m
LLRR x 25m
LLLRRR x 25m
LLLL x 25m
RRRR x 25m
LRLRLR x 40m x 2

Hurdle Hops 5x5 (lower hurdles) make sure minimal ground contact time is attained.
Jump Roping 3x50.

ON Week 2: slightly higher intensity, lower volume

Monday: Weights,

Dynamic Warmup
Clean 5,3,2 moderate/heavy weight
10-12" Barbell Box Step-Up, 2x6, moderate/heavy weight
Barbell Calf Raise, 2x10, heavy weight
Jump Squats with minimal knee bend and ground time , 2x12, 55-65lb
Recovery Methods

Tuesday: Plyometrics

Dynamic Warmup
Bounding: Full Recovery Between Sets
LRLRLR x 30m
LLRR x 30m
LLLRRR x 30m
LLLL x 30m
RRRR x 30m
LRLRLR x 50m x 2

Hurdle Hops: 5x4 over higher hurdles

3x50 Jumproping

Wednesday: slow jog/stretch/recover

Thursday: Weights

Dynamic Warmup
Snatch or Jerk/Push Press. 4,3,2 moderate.heavy weight (80-85% 1RM)
1/2 Squat. 2x6 heavy weight
Single Leg Calf Raise. 2x10 with weight
Jump Squats like Monday. 2x15, 55-65lb

Friday: Plyometrics

Bounding with 8-16lb weight vest
LRLRLR x 25m
LLRR x 25m
LLLRRR x 25m
LLLL x 25m
RRRR x 25m
LRLRLR x 40m x 1

Hurdle Hops 5x5 (lower hurdles) make sure minimal ground contact time is attained.
Jump Roping 3x50.

Week 3: Off/Easy

Monday: dynamic warmup
3x30m low skips
3x30m high skips
3x30m skip for distance

Tuesday: play game/light training

Wednesday: weights
2x4 cleans light
2x4 snatch light
2x10 squat very light

Thursday: play game/jog/light train

3x100m accelerations
test single and double leg jumping
4x50 jumprope

Repeat this cycle until you don't gain anymore. You can switch exercises, sets and reps, but try and keep the general scheme the same. Week 1: volume, Week 2: intensity, Week 3 rest! Repeat. Realize, there is a ton of volume in this program, and you ARE going to be pretty tired during the two weeks, but you will gain a lot in the off weeks.

Merry Christmas!

Joel Smith, MS, CSCS
Assistant Track and Field Coach
Wilmington College