Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rubber-Band Man Retraction

Well, I went and did it. I have thrown some ideas out in my last post that were not entirely correct. You see most of my last post was based off of research that I had looked at in a comprehensive review of around 50 scholarly-articles. A large amount of what I wrote was correct, but what is still up in the air, so to speak in the scholarly realm is if increasing tendon compliance is truly effective for increasing sport movement. Research by Keitaro Kubo shows that, yes, compliant tendons are more effective for stretch-shortening cycle movement, but, compliant tendons can also cause problems with force transmission from muscle to bone. After an email exchange with Dr. Kubo, he has concluded that it is still unknown if increased compliance or (increased stiffness) in tendon is truly useful for improving sport effectiveness. So basically, don't worry about specifics on improving your tendons. My advice is simply to put an emphasis on your primary sport movement, and the optimal tendon configuration should take care of itself.

I still do think my last article has some value in the relation of slow and fast twitch dominant athletes and sport performance. If nothing else, it is a valuable analytical tool. Finally, I would like to thank Roger "RJ" Nelson for his notes on my original article which led to this retraction. Sport science is something that is dynamic and evolving, and I try my best to stay on top of it. If anything is wrong, I will always let you know, and it is my utmost intention to keep everyone on the right track in the sport science world.


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